TFC book: Leake, C., Johnston, H., and Mortari, D. The Theory of Functional Connections: A Functional Interpolation. Framework with Applications. Lulu, Morrisville NC, 2022. Available on Lulu, Amazon, and Barnes&Nobles.
During the past few years, my research has focused on: 1) orientation and position estimation of spacecraft, 2) attitude sensor data processing, 3) satellite constellations, and 4) various topics in linear algebra and numerical algorithms (function inversion, functional interpolation, differential equations, k-vector, rotation in n-dimensional spaces, etc.).
- Editor-in-Chief, Functional Interpolation section (Mathematics). WoS impact factor is 2.592 (Q1 and top 5%). Editorial board.
- Guest-Editor, Sensors: Special Issue “Attitude Estimation Based on Data Processing of Sensors,” WoS Impact factor is 3.847. Deadline: May 31, 2023
- Guest-Editor, Mathematics: Special Issue “Dynamics and Control Using Functional Interpolation,” WoS Impact factor is 2.592. Deadline: December 31, 2024
Research Interest
- Attitude and position determination systems
- Satellite constellations design (Flower Constellation, starting at 4:45)
- Sensor data processing
- Algorithms (k-vector) and linear algebra
- Theory of Functional Connections [papers] – [code (Python)] – [code readme] – [Seminar at Crunch, starting at 57:18] [TFC Phyton toolbox seminar]
Research Group
Sumin Seo | Sangheon Choi |
2024 Journal articles
- Mortari, D. “Theory of Functional Connections via Minimum Parameterization,” 2024. To be submitted.
- Mortari, D. “Theory of Functional Connections for Integral-prescribed Constraints,” 2024. To be submitted.
- Gutierrez de Alba, J., Tresaco, E., and Mortari, D. “A Study on Optimal Analytical and Accurate Algorithmic Landing Techniques,” 2024. To be submitted.
- Nicolò, L, Garrappa, R., and Mortari, D. “Theory of Functional Connections applied to Optimal Fractional Control,” 2024. To be submitted.
- Criscola, F., Canales, D., and Mortari, D. “Application of the Theory of Functional Connections to the Perturbed Lambert’s Problem,” Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Systems, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamics Astronomy, 2024. In print.
- Lombardi, C., Bevilacqua, R., and Mortari, D. “Modeling and Estimation of a Continuous Flexible Structure using the Theory of Functional Connections,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2024. DOI: 10.2514/1.G008009
- Drozd, K., Furfaro, R., and Mortari, D. “Rapidly Exploring Random Trees with Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Constrained Energy-Optimal Rendezvous Problems,” The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 2024. Vol.71, No. 1, pp. 9.
2024 Conferences, Invited Seminars, and Talks
- Pérez López, D., de Vittori, A., di Lizia, P., and Mortari, D. “Exploring Functional Connections Theory and Linearized Approaches in Collision Avoidance Maneuver Design: a Comparative Study,” 75th International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy, 14-18 October 2024.